Building work starts at Urbo’s 100,000 sq.ft. Office development No.1 West Bar Square

Building work starts at Urbo’s 100,000 sq.ft. Office development No.1 West Bar Square


Following hard on the heels of the quickly rising residential phase of West Bar, main contractor Bowmer & Kirkland has now started work on the commercial part of this £300m mixed-use neighbourhood. No.1 West Bar Square will comprise 100,000 sq.ft. of Breeam Excellent space, including ground floor café/retail space.  The upper floors offer the largest available office floor-plates in Sheffield and will be available for occupation in June 2024. The development will also deliver a major public space West Bar Square, one of the largest urban spaces in the city and a prestigious new office address. A second similarly sized office building is also to be delivered by Urbo together with funders Legal & General as No.1 becomes occupied.